MDPF Case Studies

Vol. 4 "Utilizing MInt - Designing Innovative Heat Treatment Methods through AI and Researcher Collaboration"
  1. Discovery of a novel two-step heat treatment process through collaboration between AI and materials reserachers.
  2. Efficient exploration of extensive heat treatment conditions via inverse problem analysis utilizing MInt and AI.
  3. Proposal of a process that enables the realization of high-strength materials exceeding conventional isothermal aging.

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Vol. 3 "Data-driven material exploration for new Eu²⁺-activated phosphors using AtomWork-Adv"
  1. Efficient data-driven exploration of new phosphors.
  2. Accurate prediction of emission peak wavelength using machine learning.
  3. Selection of new host candidates using AtomWork-Adv.

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Vol. 2 "Material Repositioning Utilizing the Polymer Material Database PoLyInfo"
  1. Exploration of polymer materials that achieve both heat-resistance and transparency using PoLyInfo.
  2. "Exception search" method selectively extracting polymers with known structures but unknown properties.
  3. Rapid materials development at the laboratory level utilizing scientific knowledge, computational chemistry, and reported experimental information.

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Vol. 1 "Prediction of Polymer Degradability Using Ranking-Based Machine Learning Utilizing the Polymer Database PoLyInfo"
  1. Existing polymer degradability datasets are not always sufficient, and differences in measurement environments make direct comparison difficult.
  2. Prepared three types of datasets that cannot be directly compared in terms of degradability data, integrated the datasets using a ranking-based machine learning method, and constructed a degradability prediction model.
  3. Applied the constructed model to PoLyInfo data, effectively identifying polymers with high and low degradability.

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