
About this website

The website for DICE found at http://dice.nims.go.jp/ (hereinafter referred to as the "Site") is provided by National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS). Anyone accessing and using the Site is required to comply with the site policy and the privacy policy on the NIMS official website.

Use of cookies
Use of Google Analytics

Use of each service

There are three main ways to use the DICE services. Each service has its own terms of service.

1. Use the service with a DICE account

DICE account is the account for using various services provided by DICE.
In order to start using each service, the "DICE Account User Registration" and "Application for Use of each Service" are required.

DICE Account User Registration
  1. In principle, a user is an individual who belongs to an organization.
  2. Please perform "DICE Account User Registration" using the e-mail address provided by your organization.
    1. DICE Account Terms of Use[Effective November 10, 2023] (Reference: Notice of Amendment)
    2. Manual for DICE account registration

Application for Use of each Service
  1. After registering a DICE account, you can apply to use each service.
    When applying to use MatNavi, identity verification based on the e-mail address is required.
    1. Identity Verification based on E-mail address and Registration of Domain Name
  2. For more information, please visit the introduction page of the service of your choice.
MatNavi logo
Atomwork-Adv logo
MDR logo
MDR (Depositing Data)
RDE logo
RDE logo
RDE (ARIM Project)
DIC User Portal
DICE User Portal

2. Use the service without user registration

Please read the terms of use for each service for terms, conditions, etc.

MDR logo
MDR (Using Open Data)
M-DaC logo

3. Use the service with a service-specific account

Please use the account issued after applying for the service.


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