Related Sites
Related Sites
- Materials Genome Initiative (MGI)
- Materials Project
- CHIMaD (Center for Hierarchical Materials Design)
- MARVEL (Materials Revolution: Computational Design and Discovery of Novel Materials)
- NIST Materials Genome Initiative
- Citrine Informatics
- NoMaD (Novel Materials Discovery)
- nanoHUB
- Reaxys
- ICSD (Inorganic Crystal Structure Database)
- VASP (The Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package)
- AFLOW (Automatic-FLOW for Materials Discovery)
- AiiDA (Automated Interactive Infrastructure and Database for Computational Science)
- Thermo-Calc
- Gaussian
- MateriApps
Academic Association
- The Society of Materials Science, Japan
- The Japan Society of Applied Physics
- The Physical Society of Japan
- The Crystallographic Society of Japan
- The Ceramic Society of Japan
- The Chemical Societyof Japan
- The Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan
- The Society of Polymer Science, Japan
- The Japan Society of Polymer Processing
- Japan Chemical Fiber Association
- The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry
- The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
- The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
- The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
- Japan Welding Society
- The Japan Welding Engineering Society
- The Surface Science Society of Japan
- The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan
- The Electrochemical Society of Japan
- Information Processing Society of Japan
- The Japan Society of Infomation and Knowledge