Application for Domain Name Registration of E-mail address
Identity Verification based on E-mail address and Registration of Domain Name
The following DICE services require identity verification based on your e-mail address.
NIMS Materials Database
To apply for the above services, you need to register as a DICE account user with your organization's e-mail address, and the domain of your organization's e-mail address must be registered in our management list.
If the domain name is not registered, please apply by your organization's domain administrator(s) or a person who has been approved by the domain administrator(s).
[How to check the domain name registration status]
(1) Check the List of Domain Registered Organizations.(The list includes only those organizations that have agreed to have their names listed.)
See the list [Link]
(2) Check the status on the DICE User Portal [Link] after user registration for the DICE account.
Click "Applications" on the left of the DICE User Portal screen, and then click "Identity Proofing Status".
If "Confirmed" is displayed in the Institution column of the Status of Identity proofing, the domain registration has been completed.
(3) Make an inquiry with the department-in charge, etc., of your organization about whether the registration has been completed.
If the above steps (1)-(3) do not resolve the problem, please contact us using the
inquiry form [link] on this Website.
How to Apply for Domain Name Registration of E-mail address
See Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) [link].
■ Who can apply;
Domain Administrator(s) of the organization e-mail address.
When an application is made by a person with the domain administrator's consent, please add the domain administrator to the CC field of the application e-mail.
■ How to apply;
Send us ([=]→ [@])) an e-mail with the following contents.
When an application is made by a person with the domain administrator's consent, please add the domain administrator to the CC field of the application e-mail.
1. Full name of applicant's organization.
2. Name of the Domain Administrator's name .
3. Name of the department (division) to which the Domain Admin belongs.
4. Name of the job title of the Domain Admin.
5. E-mail address of the Domain Admin (or a representative's address is acceptable).
6. Domain Name(s) of e-mail address of the applicant (multiple domains names are acceptable, but not subdomains) (e.g.
7. Presence Confirmation: Corporate ID number (in Japan only), HP-URL, Brochure (file size up to 5MB) [at least one of these].
8. List your organization in the "List of Domain Registered Organizations"?: Yes or No
■ Supplementary:
・We check briefly the contents, and if there are no problems, your registration will be accepted.
・Basically, if your application is accepted by Monday, your domain name will be registered by Friday of the same week. (This may vary depending on holidays, summer and New Year vacations.).
・Once a domain name registration is done and approved, no further application is required.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
1. Why is a domain registration required?
Some DICE services, such as MatNavi, are available for use only with the account for which identity verification is completed.
If a user belongs to a higher educational and research institution or a business organization, etc., it is expected that the account to be used has been assigned to the user after a highly accurate eligibility check.
We believe that email addresses linked to such accounts can be treated as having high-level identity assurance.
Accordingly, we ask you to inform us of your domain in advance to register your domain so that we may add the domain to the whitelist managed by us.
2. Who can apply?
The domain administrator of the organization's e-mail address or a person with the domain administrator's consent can apply.
Please note that we do not accept applications from students.
3. What persons are domain administrators?
Domain administrators are any of the following persons or their equivalent:
- Person in charge of registration or technical contact person specified in the WHOIS database (
- Person in charge of the information infrastructure administration office (For a higher educational and research institution, an office such as the information technology center)
- Officer-in-charge of the Organization, and the like.
Basically, an application should be submitted by the person in charge of registration or technical contact person of the WhoisDB registration.
We will also accept contact from a person such as the person-in-charge of the information-related asset management office with the domain administrator's email address in the CC field.
4. Is there any way to check whether a domain is registered.
A list of such organizations is provided on the DICE Website ( If an application for domain registration is submitted with consent to publish the name of the organization, the name of your organization will appear on this list. If your organization is not included on the list, you are requested to take either of the following actions:
- Check the status on the DICE User Portal after user registration for the DICE account. Click "Applications" on the left of the DICE User Portal screen, and then click "Identity Proofing Status".
- Make an inquiry with the department-in charge, etc., of your organization about whether the registration has been completed.
- Contact us using the inquiry form [link] on this Website.
If "Confirmed" is displayed in the Institution column of the Status of Identity proofing, the domain registration has been completed.
5 What is the corporate number?
The corporate number is a 13-digit identification assigned by the National Tax Agency to legal entities.
For details, please refer to the URL shown below.
If you have any other questions, please contact us using the inquiry form [link] on this website.