NIMS Materials Data Conversion Tools (M-DaC)
M-DaC is a set of software tools that extract meta-information such as measurement conditions and specimen information from raw data generated by measurement instruments and it converts them into highly machine-readable XML files.
M-DaC is a set of software tools that extract meta-information such as measurement conditions and specimen information from raw data generated by measurement instruments and it converts them into highly machine-readable XML files. As of April 2020, the applicable measurement techniques are X-ray diffraction[inc. 2D detector] (XRD: Rigaku Corporation), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS: ULVAC-PHI, Inc.), and Auger electron spectroscopy (AES: JEOL Ltd. and ULVAC-PHI, Inc.), and we have been developing tools with the cooperation of their respective instrument manufacturers. These conversion source codes are available in principle under the MIT license.
Terms of Use
Download from GitHub of NIMS MDPF
M-DaC Tutorial (Japanese Only)
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