質問集 FAQ
閲覧とログイン Browsing/Login
- Q:
Does MDR require user authentication?
- A:
データの閲覧には、ログインは不要です。データを登録したいNIMS関係者は「 MDR登録システム 」にログインしてそちらを利用してください。セルフ登録サービスの既存アカウントをお持ちのユーザーは、MDRに直接ログインしてください。
Users can view the deposited works withoug logging in. NIMS personnel who wish to deposit their data to MDR should use the " MDR Registration System ". Users with existing self-deposit service accounts can log in to MDR directly to deposit their data.
- Q:
Who can log in to MDR?
- A:
ユーザと機能 をご覧ください。
See who can do what.
- Q:
私はNIMS関係者です。ログインしようとすると「Could not authenticate you from Microsoft because "Invalid credentials"」というエラーが出ます。
I'm a NIMS employee. When I try to log in, I'm met with an error: Could not authenticate you from Microsoft because "Invalid credentials".
- A:
"Sign in with DICE account" というリンクから表示される画面でログインしようとしていませんでしょうか? NIMS関係者はMDRに直接ログインせず、 MDR登録システム を利用してください。
You might be trying to log in via the link that says "Sign in with DICE account". NIMS personnel should use the MDR Registration System rather than logging in to MDR directly.
- Q:
Are there any fees associated with browsing and downloading data from MDR?
- A:
No. There are no fees associated with browsing and downloading data from MDR.
- Q:
Can I browse in other languages?
- A:
No. The user interface is only available in English.
論文とDOI Articles/DOI
- Q:
I want to deposit a data for a paper before or in the process of being refereed, so that I can cite it from within my paper and show it to the reviewers.
- A:
MDR currently accepts archiving of data already made public elsewhere, and cannot support such use cases.
- Q:
論文誌掲載済みの自分の論文をMDRに登録したいとき、MDRに登録できるのは 出版社版 と 著者版 のどちらですか?
When I want to deposit my paper to MDR, what version of my paper can I use? (the author's version or the publisher's version ?)
- A:
主なジャーナルについて 出版社ポリシー Publisher policies にまとめましたのでご参照ください。このほかのジャーナルやより正確な情報については、各出版社のWebサイトに掲載されている著作権ポリシーを確認してください。 "Sharing" や "institutional repository" というキーワードで検索できます。ジャーナルや出版社のポリシーは、 SHERPA/RoMEO でも検索できます。不明な点は 担当者にお問い合わせください。
We've compiled a chart for common journals on 出版社ポリシー Publisher policies. For more accurate information or for other journals, please refer to the policies on individual publishers' webpages, and look for keywords such as "sharing" or "institutional repository". You can also search in SHERPA/RoMEO, an open access policy database.
- Q:
The publishers already have my paper online. Why should I upload it to MDR as well?
- A:
Some research fundings may ask for making your research outputs open access, in which case you can use MDR or other repositories to make them widely available. Your papers may be cited more often by making your author's version publicly available.
- Q:
Wouldn't my citation count be split between the publisher's version and MDR's version?
- A:
When depositing your paper to MDR, we ask that you fill in the publisher's DOI as part of the metadata. MDR will not assign a new DOI in cases where the deposit is deemed to be the same as the version hosted on the publisher's site. When you are citing your paper just as a paper, cite using the publisher's DOI. If you want to cite MDR's data specifically, such as in cases where you deposited the data as well as the paper, cite using MDR's DOI.