List of papers for cite DICE services

Matching entries: 0
Service Recommended Contents type Language Author Title Year Journal/Proceedings Reftype DOI/URL
Polymer Database (PoLyInfo)​ # concept/development​ en Ishii, M., Ito, T., Sado, H. and Kuwajima, I. NIMS polymer database PoLyInfo (I): an overarching view of half a million data points 2024 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 4(1), pp. 2354649 
  author = {Ishii, Masashi and Ito, Takuro and Sado, Hiroko and Kuwajima, Isao},
  title = {NIMS polymer database PoLyInfo (I): an overarching view of half a million data points},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2024},
  volume = {4},
  number = {1},
  pages = {2354649},
  doi = {}
Polymer Database (PoLyInfo)​ concept/development​ en Ishii, M., Ito, T. and Sakamoto, K. NIMS polymer database PoLyInfo (II): machine-readable standardization of polymer knowledge expression 2024 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 4(1), pp. 2354651 
  author = {Ishii, Masashi and Ito, Takuro and Sakamoto, Koichi},
  title = {NIMS polymer database PoLyInfo (II): machine-readable standardization of polymer knowledge expression},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2024},
  volume = {4},
  number = {1},
  pages = {2354651},
  doi = {}
Polymer Database (PoLyInfo)​ # use​ en Wu, S., Kondo, Y., Kakimoto, M.-a., Yang, B., Yamada, H., Kuwajima, I., Lambard, G., Hongo, K., Xu, Y., Shiomi, J., Schick, C., Morikawa, J. and Yoshida, R. Machine-learning-assisted discovery of polymers with high thermal conductivity using a molecular design algorithm 2019 npj Computational Materials
Vol. 5(1), pp. 66 
  author = {Wu, Stephen and Kondo, Yukiko and Kakimoto, Masa-aki and Yang, Bin and Yamada, Hironao and Kuwajima, Isao and Lambard, Guillaume and Hongo, Kenta and Xu, Yibin and Shiomi, Junichiro and Schick, Christoph and Morikawa, Junko and Yoshida, Ryo},
  title = {Machine-learning-assisted discovery of polymers with high thermal conductivity using a molecular design algorithm},
  journal = {npj Computational Materials},
  publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {5},
  number = {1},
  pages = {66},
  doi = {}
Polymer Database (PoLyInfo)​ concept/development​ en Otsuka, S., Kuwajima, I., Hosoya, J., Xu, Y. and Yamazaki, M. PoLyInfo: Polymer Database for Polymeric Materials Design 2011 2011 International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies, pp. 22-29  article  
  author = {Otsuka, Shingo and Kuwajima, Isao and Hosoya, Junko and Xu, Yibin and Yamazaki, Masayoshi},
  title = {PoLyInfo: Polymer Database for Polymeric Materials Design},
  booktitle = {2011 International Conference on Emerging Intelligent Data and Web Technologies},
  publisher = {IEEE},
  year = {2011},
  pages = {22-29},
  doi = {}
Inorganic Materials Database (AtomWork)​ # concept/development​ en Xu, Y., Yamazaki, M. and Villars, P. Inorganic Materials Database for Exploring the Nature of Material 2011 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 50(11S), pp. 11RH02 
  author = {Xu, Yibin and Yamazaki, Masayoshi and Villars, Pierre},
  title = {Inorganic Materials Database for Exploring the Nature of Material},
  journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
  publisher = {IOP Publishing},
  year = {2011},
  volume = {50},
  number = {11S},
  pages = {11RH02},
  doi = {}
Computational Phase Diagram Database (CPDDB)​ # concept/development​ ja/en abe , t., HASHIMOTO, K., Goto, Y., Sawada, Y. and Hirose, K. CPDDB 2007   article  
  author = {abe, taichi and HASHIMOTO, Kiyoshi and Goto, Yumi and Sawada, Yukiko and Hirose, Kiyomi},
  title = {CPDDB},
  publisher = {National Institute for Materials Science},
  year = {2007},
  doi = {}
Computational Phase Diagram Database (CPDDB)​ # concept/development​ ja/en abe , t., HASHIMOTO, K., Goto, Y., Sawada, Y. and Hirose, K. Digital-CPDDB 2021   article  
  author = {abe, taichi and HASHIMOTO, Kiyoshi and Goto, Yumi and Sawada, Yukiko and Hirose, Kiyomi},
  title = {Digital-CPDDB},
  publisher = {National Institute for Materials Science},
  year = {2021},
  doi = {}
Diffusion Database (Kakusan) # None (cite the URL:​   misc 
  url = {}
Computational Electronic Structure Database (CompES-X) # None (cite the URL:​   misc 
  url = {}
Thermophysical Property Database # None (cite the URL:​   misc 
  url = {}
Metallic Material Database (Kinzoku) # Currently writing (cite the URL:​   misc 
  url = {}
CCT Diagram Database (CCTD) # development en Fujita, M., Kinugawa, J., Okada, A. and Kasugai, T. New welding information system on the internet (Prediction of the properties of weld heat-affected zones) 2003 Data Science Journal
Vol. 2, pp. 136-145 
  author = {Fujita, M and Kinugawa, J and Okada, A and Kasugai, T},
  title = {New welding information system on the internet (Prediction of the properties of weld heat-affected zones)},
  journal = {Data Science Journal},
  publisher = {Ubiquity Press, Ltd.},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {2},
  pages = {136--145},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) # concept/development en Sawada, K., Kimura, K., Abe, F., Taniuchi, Y., Sekido, K., Nojima, T., Ohba, T., Kushima, H., Miyazaki, H., Hongo, H. and Watanabe, T. Catalog of NIMS creep data sheets 2019 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
Vol. 20(1), pp. 1131-1149 
  author = {Sawada, Kota and Kimura, Kazuhiro and Abe, Fujio and Taniuchi, Yasushi and Sekido, Kaoru and Nojima, Takehiro and Ohba, Toshio and Kushima, Hideaki and Miyazaki, Hideko and Hongo, Hiromichi and Watanabe, Takashi},
  title = {Catalog of NIMS creep data sheets},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {20},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1131--1149},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Sawada, K., Taniuchi, Y., Sekido, K., Nojima, T., Hatakeyama, T. and Kimura, K. Long-term creep properties of Ni-based 21Cr-18Fe-9Mo superalloys 2023 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 3(1), pp. 2284129 
  author = {Sawada, Kota and Taniuchi, Yasushi and Sekido, Kaoru and Nojima, Takehiro and Hatakeyama, Tomotaka and Kimura, Kazuhiro},
  title = {Long-term creep properties of Ni-based 21Cr-18Fe-9Mo superalloys},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2023},
  volume = {3},
  number = {1},
  pages = {2284129},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Sawada, K., Taniuchi, Y., Sekido, K., Nojima, T. and Kimura, K. Creep properties and analysis of creep rupture data of 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.3V steels 2022 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 2(1), pp. 198-212 
  author = {Sawada, Kota and Taniuchi, Yasushi and Sekido, Kaoru and Nojima, Takehiro and Kimura, Kazuhiro},
  title = {Creep properties and analysis of creep rupture data of 2.25Cr-1Mo-0.3V steels},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2022},
  volume = {2},
  number = {1},
  pages = {198--212},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept ja Sawada, K., Taniuchi, Y., Sekido, K., Nojima, T. and Kimura, K. 低合金鋼の10万時間クリープ破断強度評価 2022 Tetsu-to-Hagane
Vol. 108(9), pp. 679-685 
  author = {Sawada, Kota and Taniuchi, Yasushi and Sekido, Kaoru and Nojima, Takehiro and Kimura, Kazuhiro},
  title = {低合金鋼の10万時間クリープ破断強度評価},
  journal = {Tetsu-to-Hagane},
  publisher = {Iron and Steel Institute of Japan},
  year = {2022},
  volume = {108},
  number = {9},
  pages = {679--685},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Kimura, K. and Sawada, K. Creep Deformation Property and Creep Life Evaluation of Super304H 2021 Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
Vol. 144(2) 
  author = {Kimura, Kazuhiro and Sawada, Kota},
  title = {Creep Deformation Property and Creep Life Evaluation of Super304H},
  journal = {Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology},
  publisher = {ASME International},
  year = {2021},
  volume = {144},
  number = {2},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Sawada, K., Sekido, K., Kimura, K., Arisue, K., Honda, M., Komai, N., Fukuzawa, N., Ueno, T., Shimohata, N., Nakatomi, H., Takagi, K., Kimura, T., Nomura, K. and Kubushiro, K. Effect of Initial Microstructure on Creep Strength of ASME Grade T91 Steel 2020 ISIJ International
Vol. 60(2), pp. 382-391 
  author = {Sawada, Kota and Sekido, Kaoru and Kimura, Kazuhiro and Arisue, Ko and Honda, Masaki and Komai, Nobuyoshi and Fukuzawa, Norihide and Ueno, Tomonori and Shimohata, Nobuaki and Nakatomi, Hitoshi and Takagi, Kenji and Kimura, Takahiro and Nomura, Kyohei and Kubushiro, Keiji},
  title = {Effect of Initial Microstructure on Creep Strength of ASME Grade T91 Steel},
  journal = {ISIJ International},
  publisher = {Iron and Steel Institute of Japan},
  year = {2020},
  volume = {60},
  number = {2},
  pages = {382--391},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Abe, F. Heat-to-Heat Variation in Creep Life and Fundamental Creep Rupture Strength of 18Cr-8Ni, 18Cr-12Ni-Mo, 18Cr-10Ni-Ti, and 18Cr-12Ni-Nb Stainless Steels 2016 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A
Vol. 47(9), pp. 4437-4454 
  author = {Abe, Fujio},
  title = {Heat-to-Heat Variation in Creep Life and Fundamental Creep Rupture Strength of 18Cr-8Ni, 18Cr-12Ni-Mo, 18Cr-10Ni-Ti, and 18Cr-12Ni-Nb Stainless Steels},
  journal = {Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A},
  publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
  year = {2016},
  volume = {47},
  number = {9},
  pages = {4437--4454},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Kimura, K., Sawada, K. and Kushima, H. Creep Rupture Ductility of Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic Steels 2012 Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
Vol. 134(3) 
  author = {Kimura, Kazuhiro and Sawada, Kota and Kushima, Hideaki},
  title = {Creep Rupture Ductility of Creep Strength Enhanced Ferritic Steels},
  journal = {Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology},
  publisher = {ASME International},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {134},
  number = {3},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Abe, F. Heat-to-heat variation in long-term creep strength of some ferritic steels 2010 International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping
Vol. 87(6), pp. 310-318 
  author = {Abe, Fujio},
  title = {Heat-to-heat variation in long-term creep strength of some ferritic steels},
  journal = {International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  year = {2010},
  volume = {87},
  number = {6},
  pages = {310--318},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept ja Kimura, K. 耐熱鋼のクリープ破断寿命予測 2009 Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials
Vol. 73(5), pp. 323-333 
  author = {Kimura, Kazuhiro},
  title = {耐熱鋼のクリープ破断寿命予測},
  journal = {Journal of the Japan Institute of Metals and Materials},
  publisher = {Japan Institute of Metals},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {73},
  number = {5},
  pages = {323--333},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Sawada, K., Tabuchi, M. and Kimura, K. Analysis of long-term creep curves by constitutive equations 2009 Materials Science and Engineering: A
Vol. 510–511, pp. 190-194 
  author = {Sawada, K. and Tabuchi, M. and Kimura, K.},
  title = {Analysis of long-term creep curves by constitutive equations},
  journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {510–511},
  pages = {190--194},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Kimura, K., Kushima, H. and Sawada, K. Long-term creep deformation property of modified 9Cr–1Mo steel 2009 Materials Science and Engineering: A
Vol. 510–511, pp. 58-63 
  author = {Kimura, K. and Kushima, H. and Sawada, K.},
  title = {Long-term creep deformation property of modified 9Cr–1Mo steel},
  journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  year = {2009},
  volume = {510–511},
  pages = {58--63},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Kimura, K., Sawada, K., Kushima, H. and Kubo, K. Effect of stress on the creep deformation of ASME Grade P92/T92 steels 2008 International Journal of Materials Research
Vol. 99(4), pp. 395-401 
  author = {Kimura, Kazuhiro and Sawada, Kota and Kushima, Hideaki and Kubo, Kiyoshi},
  title = {Effect of stress on the creep deformation of ASME Grade P92/T92 steels},
  journal = {International Journal of Materials Research},
  publisher = {Walter de Gruyter GmbH},
  year = {2008},
  volume = {99},
  number = {4},
  pages = {395--401},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept ja KIMURA, K., KUSHIMA, H. and ABE, F. 応力-破断時間曲線の領域分割法による高Crフェライト耐熱鋼のクリープ寿命予測の高度化 2003 Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan
Vol. 52(1), pp. 57-62 
  author = {KIMURA, Kazuhiro and KUSHIMA, Hideaki and ABE, Fujio},
  title = {応力-破断時間曲線の領域分割法による高Crフェライト耐熱鋼のクリープ寿命予測の高度化},
  journal = {Journal of the Society of Materials Science, Japan},
  publisher = {Society of Materials Science, Japan},
  year = {2003},
  volume = {52},
  number = {1},
  pages = {57--62},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept en Tanaka, H., Murata, M., Abe, F. and Irie, H. Microstructural evolution and change in hardness in type 304H stainless steel during long-term creep 2001 Materials Science and Engineering: A
Vol. 319–321, pp. 788-791 
  author = {Tanaka, H and Murata, M and Abe, F and Irie, H},
  title = {Microstructural evolution and change in hardness in type 304H stainless steel during long-term creep},
  journal = {Materials Science and Engineering: A},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {319–321},
  pages = {788--791},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept ja Kimura, K. 金材技研クリープデータシートから生まれた高温強度の新しいとらえ方 1996 Materia Japan
Vol. 35(5), pp. 535-541 
  author = {Kimura, Kazuhiro},
  title = {金材技研クリープデータシートから生まれた高温強度の新しいとらえ方},
  journal = {Materia Japan},
  publisher = {Japan Institute of Metals},
  year = {1996},
  volume = {35},
  number = {5},
  pages = {535--541},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept ja TANAKA, H., MURATA, M. and SHINYA, N. SUS321Hの高温クリープにおける破壊様式 1992 Tetsu-to-Hagane
Vol. 78(6), pp. 934-940 
  author = {TANAKA, Hideo and MURATA, Masaharu and SHINYA, Norio},
  title = {SUS321Hの高温クリープにおける破壊様式},
  journal = {Tetsu-to-Hagane},
  publisher = {Iron and Steel Institute of Japan},
  year = {1992},
  volume = {78},
  number = {6},
  pages = {934--940},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept ja KIMURA, K., KUSHIMA, H., YAGI, K. and TANAKA, C. フェライト系耐熱鋼の長時間クリープ強度の基本特性 1991 Tetsu-to-Hagane
Vol. 77(5), pp. 667-674 
  author = {KIMURA, Kazuhiro and KUSHIMA, Hideaki and YAGI, Koichi and TANAKA, Chiaki},
  title = {フェライト系耐熱鋼の長時間クリープ強度の基本特性},
  journal = {Tetsu-to-Hagane},
  publisher = {Iron and Steel Institute of Japan},
  year = {1991},
  volume = {77},
  number = {5},
  pages = {667--674},
  doi = {}
Creep Data Sheet (CDS) concept ja SHINYA, N., TANAKA, H., MURATA, M., KAISE, M. and YOKOI, S. SUS 316ステンレス鋼の10万時間破断試験に基づくクリープ破壊機構領域図 1985 Tetsu-to-Hagane
Vol. 71(1), pp. 114-120 
  author = {SHINYA, Norio and TANAKA, Hideo and MURATA, Masaharu and KAISE, Masatsugu and YOKOI, Shin},
  title = {SUS 316ステンレス鋼の10万時間破断試験に基づくクリープ破壊機構領域図},
  journal = {Tetsu-to-Hagane},
  publisher = {Iron and Steel Institute of Japan},
  year = {1985},
  volume = {71},
  number = {1},
  pages = {114--120},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) # concept/development en Furuya, Y., Nishikawa, H., Hirukawa, H., Nagashima, N. and Takeuchi, E. Catalogue of NIMS fatigue data sheets 2019 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
Vol. 20(1), pp. 1055-1072 
  author = {Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Nishikawa, Hideaki and Hirukawa, Hisashi and Nagashima, Nobuo and Takeuchi, Etsuo},
  title = {Catalogue of NIMS fatigue data sheets},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {20},
  number = {1},
  pages = {1055--1072},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) concept en Furuya, Y., Nishikawa, H., Hirukawa, H., Nagashima, N. and Takeuchi, E. Fatigue properties of titanium alloys disclosed in NIMS fatigue data sheets 2023 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 3(1) 
  author = {Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Nishikawa, Hideaki and Hirukawa, Hisashi and Nagashima, Nobuo and Takeuchi, Etsuo},
  title = {Fatigue properties of titanium alloys disclosed in NIMS fatigue data sheets},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2023},
  volume = {3},
  number = {1},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) concept en Furuya, Y., Nishikawa, H., Hirukawa, H., Nagashima, N. and Takeuchi, E. Gigacycle Fatigue Properties of Wrought Aluminum Alloys 2023 Materials Performance and Characterization
Vol. 12(2), pp. 20220082 
  author = {Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Nishikawa, Hideaki and Hirukawa, Hisashi and Nagashima, Nobuo and Takeuchi, Etsuo},
  title = {Gigacycle Fatigue Properties of Wrought Aluminum Alloys},
  journal = {Materials Performance and Characterization},
  publisher = {ASTM International},
  year = {2023},
  volume = {12},
  number = {2},
  pages = {20220082},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) concept en Furuya, Y., Nishikawa, H., Hirukawa, H., Nagashima, N. and Takeuchi, E. NIMS fatigue data sheet on low- and high-cycle fatigue properties of A2017-T4 (Al-4.0Cu-0.6Mg) aluminium alloy 2023 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 3(1) 
  author = {Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Nishikawa, Hideaki and Hirukawa, Hisashi and Nagashima, Nobuo and Takeuchi, Etsuo},
  title = {NIMS fatigue data sheet on low- and high-cycle fatigue properties of A2017-T4 (Al-4.0Cu-0.6Mg) aluminium alloy},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2023},
  volume = {3},
  number = {1},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) concept en Hirukawa, H., Furuya, Y., Nishikawa, H., Nagashima, N. and Takeuchi, E. NIMS fatigue data sheet on gigacycle fatigue properties of A6061-T6 (Al-1.0Mg-0.6Si) aluminium alloy at high stress ratios 2022 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 2(1), pp. 232-249 
  author = {Hirukawa, Hisashi and Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Nishikawa, Hideaki and Nagashima, Nobuo and Takeuchi, Etsuo},
  title = {NIMS fatigue data sheet on gigacycle fatigue properties of A6061-T6 (Al-1.0Mg-0.6Si) aluminium alloy at high stress ratios},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2022},
  volume = {2},
  number = {1},
  pages = {232--249},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) concept en Hirukawa, H., Furuya, Y., Nishikawa, H., Nagashima, N. and Takeuchi, E. NIMS fatigue data sheet on gigacycle fatigue properties of SCr420 (0.20C-1.05Cr) carburizing steel for machine structural use 2022 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods
Vol. 2(1), pp. 222-231 
  author = {Hirukawa, Hisashi and Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Nishikawa, Hideaki and Nagashima, Nobuo and Takeuchi, Etsuo},
  title = {NIMS fatigue data sheet on gigacycle fatigue properties of SCr420 (0.20C-1.05Cr) carburizing steel for machine structural use},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials: Methods},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2022},
  volume = {2},
  number = {1},
  pages = {222--231},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) concept en Furuya, Y., Hirukawa, H. and Takeuchi, E. Gigacycle fatigue in high strength steels 2019 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
Vol. 20(1), pp. 643-656 
  author = {Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Hirukawa, Hisashi and Takeuchi, Etsuo},
  title = {Gigacycle fatigue in high strength steels},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2019},
  volume = {20},
  number = {1},
  pages = {643--656},
  doi = {}
Fatigue Data Sheet (FDS) concept en Yamaguchi, K., Abe, T., Kobayashi, K., Takeuchi, E., Hirukawa, H., Maeda, Y., Nagashima, N., Hayakawa, M., Furuya, Y., Shimodaira, M. and Miyahara, K. Gigacycle fatigue data sheets for advanced engineering materials 2007 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials
Vol. 8(7–8), pp. 545-551 
  author = {Yamaguchi, Koji and Abe, Takayuki and Kobayashi, Kazuo and Takeuchi, Etsuo and Hirukawa, Hisashi and Maeda, Yoshio and Nagashima, Nobuo and Hayakawa, Masao and Furuya, Yoshiyuki and Shimodaira, Masuo and Miyahara, Kensuke},
  title = {Gigacycle fatigue data sheets for advanced engineering materials},
  journal = {Science and Technology of Advanced Materials},
  publisher = {Informa UK Limited},
  year = {2007},
  volume = {8},
  number = {7–8},
  pages = {545--551},
  doi = {}
Corrosion Data Sheet (CoDS) # None (cite the URL:   misc 
  url = {}
Corrosion Data Sheet (CoDS) concept en Tahara, A. and Shinohara, T. Influence of the alloy element on corrosion morphology of the low alloy steels exposed to the atmospheric environments 2005 Corrosion Science
Vol. 47(10), pp. 2589-2598 
  author = {Tahara, Akira and Shinohara, Tadashi},
  title = {Influence of the alloy element on corrosion morphology of the low alloy steels exposed to the atmospheric environments},
  journal = {Corrosion Science},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {47},
  number = {10},
  pages = {2589--2598},
  doi = {}
Space Use Materials Strength Data Sheet (SDS) # None (cite the URL:   misc 
  url = {}
Space Use Materials Strength Data Sheet (SDS) # concept/development en Xu, Y., Yamazaki, M., Wang, H. and Yagi, K. Development of an Internet System for Composite Design and Thermophysical Property Prediction 2006 MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS
Vol. 47(8), pp. 1882-1885 
  author = {Xu, Yibin and Yamazaki, Masayoshi and Wang, Haitao and Yagi, Koichi},
  title = {Development of an Internet System for Composite Design and Thermophysical Property Prediction},
  publisher = {Japan Institute of Metals},
  year = {2006},
  volume = {47},
  number = {8},
  pages = {1882--1885},
  doi = {}
Metal Segregation Prediction System (SurfSeg) # concept/development en Yoshitake, M. Free software for general prediction of surface and interface segregation: SurfSeg - updated 2023   article  
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko},
  title = {Free software for general prediction of surface and interface segregation: SurfSeg - updated},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {}
Metal Segregation Prediction System (SurfSeg) concept/development ja YOSHITAKE, M. 表面偏析予測のシミュレーション-SurfSeg:真空および酸素雰囲気下 2013 Hyomen Kagaku
Vol. 34(7), pp. 340-345 
  author = {YOSHITAKE, Michiko},
  title = {表面偏析予測のシミュレーション-SurfSeg:真空および酸素雰囲気下},
  journal = {Hyomen Kagaku},
  publisher = {Surface Science Society Japan},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {34},
  number = {7},
  pages = {340--345},
  doi = {}
Metal Segregation Prediction System (SurfSeg) concept/development en Yoshitake, M. Prediction of Influence of Oxygen in Annealing Atmosphere on Surface Segregation Behavior in Layered Materials 2012 Japanese Journal of Applied Physics
Vol. 51(8R), pp. 085601 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko},
  title = {Prediction of Influence of Oxygen in Annealing Atmosphere on Surface Segregation Behavior in Layered Materials},
  journal = {Japanese Journal of Applied Physics},
  publisher = {IOP Publishing},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {51},
  number = {8R},
  pages = {085601},
  doi = {}
Metal Segregation Prediction System (SurfSeg) concept ja Yoshitake, M. 基板/薄膜界面における拡散と偏析・反応 ーどんな系でも予測できる方法ー 2005 Materia Japan
Vol. 44(2), pp. 119-124 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko},
  title = {基板/薄膜界面における拡散と偏析・反応 ーどんな系でも予測できる方法ー},
  journal = {Materia Japan},
  publisher = {Japan Institute of Metals},
  year = {2005},
  volume = {44},
  number = {2},
  pages = {119--124},
  doi = {}
Metal Segregation Prediction System (SurfSeg) concept en Yoshitake, M., Aparna, Y.-R. and Yoshihara, K. General rule for predicting surface segregation of substrate metal on film surface 2001 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
Vol. 19(4), pp. 1432-1437 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko and Aparna, Yarrama-Reddy and Yoshihara, Kazuhiro},
  title = {General rule for predicting surface segregation of substrate metal on film surface},
  journal = {Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films},
  publisher = {American Vacuum Society},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {19},
  number = {4},
  pages = {1432--1437},
  doi = {}
Metal Segregation Prediction System (SurfSeg) concept en Yoshitake, M., Aparna, Y.-R. and Yoshihara, K. Novel interface modification technique applied from the top of a coated layer 2001 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
Vol. 19(5), pp. 2612-2616 
  author = {Yoshitake, M. and Aparna, Y.-R. and Yoshihara, K.},
  title = {Novel interface modification technique applied from the top of a coated layer},
  journal = {Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films},
  publisher = {American Vacuum Society},
  year = {2001},
  volume = {19},
  number = {5},
  pages = {2612--2616},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) # concept/development en Yoshitake, M. Free software for general prediction of interface chemical bonding at metal – oxide interface: InterChemBond - updated 2023   article  
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko},
  title = {Free software for general prediction of interface chemical bonding at metal – oxide interface: InterChemBond - updated},
  year = {2023},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) concept en Yoshitake, M. General Method for Predicting Interface Bonding at Various Oxide–Metal Interfaces 2024 Surfaces
Vol. 7(2), pp. 414-427 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko},
  title = {General Method for Predicting Interface Bonding at Various Oxide–Metal Interfaces},
  journal = {Surfaces},
  publisher = {MDPI AG},
  year = {2024},
  volume = {7},
  number = {2},
  pages = {414--427},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) concept en Yoshitake, M. General method for predicting ZnO–metal interface termination: Extension of the method for Al2O3–metal systems 2021 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
Vol. 39(6) 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko},
  title = {General method for predicting ZnO–metal interface termination: Extension of the method for Al2O3–metal systems},
  journal = {Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films},
  publisher = {American Vacuum Society},
  year = {2021},
  volume = {39},
  number = {6},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) concept en Yoshitake, M., Nemšák, S., Skála, T., Tsud, N., Matolín, V. and Prince, K.C. The influence of Si in Ni on the interface modification and the band alignment between Ni and alumina 2018 Applied Surface Science
Vol. 442, pp. 164-169 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko and Nemšák, Slavomír and Skála, Tomáš and Tsud, Nataliya and Matolín, Vladimír and Prince, Kevin C.},
  title = {The influence of Si in Ni on the interface modification and the band alignment between Ni and alumina},
  journal = {Applied Surface Science},
  publisher = {Elsevier BV},
  year = {2018},
  volume = {442},
  pages = {164--169},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) concept en Yoshitake, M., Yagyu, S. and Chikyow, T. A Numerical Formula for General Prediction of Interface Bonding between Alumina and Aluminum-Containing Alloys 2014 International Journal of Metals
Vol. 2014, pp. 1-11 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko and Yagyu, Shinjiro and Chikyow, Toyohiro},
  title = {A Numerical Formula for General Prediction of Interface Bonding between Alumina and Aluminum-Containing Alloys},
  journal = {International Journal of Metals},
  publisher = {Hindawi Limited},
  year = {2014},
  volume = {2014},
  pages = {1--11},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) concept en Yoshitake, M., Yagyu, S. and Chikyow, T. Novel method for the prediction of an interface bonding species at alumina/metal interfaces 2013 Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films
Vol. 32(2) 
  author = {Yoshitake, Michiko and Yagyu, Shinjiro and Chikyow, Toyohiro},
  title = {Novel method for the prediction of an interface bonding species at alumina/metal interfaces},
  journal = {Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films},
  publisher = {American Vacuum Society},
  year = {2013},
  volume = {32},
  number = {2},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) concept ja YOSHITAKE, M., YAGYU, S. and CHIKYOW, T. アルミナ金属界面の結合を介する原子の種類を予測する一般式 2012 Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan
Vol. 55(2), pp. 85-88 
  author = {YOSHITAKE, Michiko and YAGYU, Shinjiro and CHIKYOW, Toyohiro},
  title = {アルミナ金属界面の結合を介する原子の種類を予測する一般式},
  journal = {Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan},
  publisher = {The Vacuum Society of Japan},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {55},
  number = {2},
  pages = {85--88},
  doi = {}
Interface Bonding Prediction System (InerChemBond) concept ja YOSHITAKE, M., YAGYU, S. and CHIKYOW, T. ショットキーバリア高さ制御のための元素添加によるアルミナ金属界面結合変化の定量的予測式 2012 Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan
Vol. 55(5), pp. 233-236 
  author = {YOSHITAKE, Michiko and YAGYU, Shinjiro and CHIKYOW, Toyohiro},
  title = {ショットキーバリア高さ制御のための元素添加によるアルミナ金属界面結合変化の定量的予測式},
  journal = {Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan},
  publisher = {The Vacuum Society of Japan},
  year = {2012},
  volume = {55},
  number = {5},
  pages = {233--236},
  doi = {}